The Dos and Don’ts of Hashtag Usage on Social Media


Hashtags have become an integral part of the social media experience. They serve as a powerful tool for categorizing and discovering content, connecting with like-minded users, and increasing the reach of your posts. However, the effective use of hashtags is not as straightforward as it may seem. To help you navigate the complex world of hashtags, this article explores the dos and don’ts of hashtag usage on social media.

The Dos

  1. Research and Use Relevant Hashtags: It’s crucial to use hashtags that are relevant to the content of your post. Research popular and trending hashtags within your niche or industry to increase your post’s visibility.
  2. Create Branded Hashtags: If you have a brand or campaign, consider creating a unique, branded hashtag. This helps users easily find content related to your brand and fosters a sense of community.
  3. Use a Mix of Hashtag Types: Incorporate a variety of hashtags, including general, niche-specific, and trending ones. This broadens the reach of your content and ensures it reaches different user groups.
  4. Keep it Concise: While platforms like Instagram allow for up to 30 hashtags per post, it’s best to keep your selection concise. Aim for a balance between visibility and engagement by using around 5 to 10 relevant hashtags.
  5. Monitor and Engage: Keep an eye on the performance of your hashtags. Engage with users who use your branded hashtags and interact with those using relevant industry hashtags.

The Don’ts

  1. Don’t Overdo It: Avoid using an excessive number of hashtags in a single post. Overloading your content with hashtags can appear spammy and detract from the quality of your message.
  2. Avoid Irrelevant Hashtags: Don’t use hashtags that have no connection to your content. Doing so can annoy users and harm your credibility.
  3. Say No to Overly Popular Hashtags: While it’s essential to use popular hashtags, it’s best to avoid overly competitive ones. Your content might get lost in the sea of posts, so focus on a mix of popular and niche-specific hashtags.
  4. Don’t Make Hashtags Unreadable: Avoid creating long, complex hashtags that are difficult to read or understand. Clarity and simplicity are key to effective hashtag usage.
  5. Refrain from Overused Phrases: Using generic phrases like #instagood or #love might not provide the visibility you expect. Opt for more specific, targeted tags.
  6. Never Ignore Platform Rules: Each social media platform has its rules and guidelines regarding hashtag usage. Be aware of these rules and follow them to prevent your content from being penalized or removed.

Examples of Effective Hashtag Usage

  • #ThrowbackThursday: Brands can participate in this weekly trend to share nostalgic content.
  • #MondayMotivation: Posting inspirational content on Mondays to engage and inspire followers.
  • #DIYProjects: Ideal for sharing DIY tips and showcasing your brand’s products.


Hashtags are a valuable tool for expanding your social media reach and engagement. When used effectively, they can connect you with the right audience and enhance the visibility of your content. By following the dos and don’ts outlined in this article, you can master the art of hashtag usage on social media and harness their full potential to benefit your brand, campaign, or personal online presence.

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